Welcome to University of Abuja
I warmly welcome you to the University of Abuja, the UofA of Nigeria, the only Federal University in the heart (FCT) of Nigeria, the University for National Unity!
The UofA of Nigeria was established in 1988 with three colleges namely: College of Arts and Education; College of Law, Management and Social Sciences; and College of Science and Agriculture. The total population of students at inception was less than five hundred, but today, the UofA has twelve faculties and about to start three new ones, and has more than forty thousand students! The UofA has continued to witness tremendous and rapid growth in terms of academic programmes, infrastructural development, staff strength, students’ population, research, and innovation.
The University of Abuja is the model University in Nigeria, and has developed robust developmental strategies to meet and sustain that status and remain a pride of Nigerians and humanity in the provision of higher education. It is dedicated to quality teaching, learning, and research. It offers both staff and students a serene and conducive environment for living, working, teaching, learning, and research.
In developing to be a global University, we are strengthening electronic technology through smart classrooms, computer laboratories, empowerment of staff and students with strong technological skills for teaching, learning and research. The UofA was recently designated The Centre of Competence in Digital Education (C-CoDE), through an award to Professor Olumide Owolabi, Director Information Technological Management System and Professor Obiageli Nnodu, Director, Centre for Sponsored Projects, under the framework of the Excellence in Africa (EXAF) initiative of École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland, in partnership with Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P) in Morocco. The goal of the initiative is to support scientific research throughout the African continent by providing STEM students enrolled in Master and PhD programmes across Africa access to educational material and tools of a world class quality, and relevant to local research programmes and the needs of Africa. Under this award, a digital production studio will be built in the University of Abuja to produce digital content. In 2020 alone, the UofA external grants attracted to campus by academic staff was worth more than 300 million Naira, despite the global coronavirus pandemic and the disruption it caused higher education globally. Every year, more and more grants and external collaborations are attracted to the University.
In addition to foreign language requirement and opportunity for study abroad, we created the University’s Students’ Employment Scheme, the Internship and Linkages Unit, the Centre for Undergraduate Research as well as the Students Mentorship Programme, all to provide the students with many opportunities to develop their global citizenship to the fullest during their stay in the University and upon graduation. The University of Abuja is the foremost Nigerian University where students’ mentorship is at the highest standards!
While welcoming all interested students nationally and internationally to the model University, I must emphasize that the UofA does not condone any form of indiscipline indecent behavior on the part of anyone on its campuses. I therefore call on students to carefully study their students’ handbook so that they understand the dos and don’ts of this great citadel. The UofA will not only offer young and vibrant people a certificate of great academic attainment at the end of their studies, it is dedicated to making every student a better person with a remarkable character acceptable to African and global humanity values.
Please enjoy your stay in our highly competitive and intriguing, disciplined, goal-oriented and friendly environment.
Whether you are a researcher or academic, non-academic, visitor, or student, I am certain that your time here will be worthwhile!
Professor Patricia Manko Lar
Acting Vice-Chancellor,
University of Abuja